ZenSports allows you to manage how you view the app in terms of how odds are displayed and whether you prefer light/dark mode.
Here's how to manage these display Settings:
Step 1
Go to the Settings screen, which can be accessed from the "More" tab in the bottom navigation bar:
Step 2
On the Settings screen Tap "Display Settings" to be taken to the Display Settings screen:
Step 3
On the Display Settings screen, you can manage the following settings:
Display Odds
The Display Odds settings control how the odds are displayed for bets throughout the app. You can choose American Odds or Decimal Odds. The default view when you create a ZenSports account is American Odds. To change the setting simply tap on the checkbox for the Display Odds you'd like to see the odds in.
Dark / Light Mode
The Dark / Light Mode settings control the color theme of the app. Light mode will show you the app on a white background whereas selecting Dark Mode will show you the app on a dark background. To change the setting simply tap on the checkbox for the theme you'd like to see the app colors in.